6 July 2019

Nvidia GeForce RTX Super Super Edition is here this month

Wednesday Nvidia has officially announced the release of 'Super Edition' in the Nvidia RTX series 20 family product, which is astonishing that with less than a year since the RTX series first entered the market, Nvidia has dared to release the Super Edition of the product. In addition to appearing slimmer, the Super series is different from RTX 2060, 2070, and 2080 which is of course focused on performance, but also on price, of course this product is related to Super 2060. For Super Models 2060 and 2070 will be launched on July 9, and the last Super 2080 plans to arrive on July 23.

There will be no overclocked version of this series. In terms of level levels, the 2080 Ti is still the best graphics card in the RTX family, and the RTX 2060 is still a standard quality GPU Ray tracing.

According to Nvidia, this is how the performance and price comparison between Super and Ordinary Series:

RTX 2060 Super
The Super RTX 2060 will be up to 22 percent faster than RTX 2060, with 8GB of memory, not 6GB. This product is faster than GTX 1080 and has a performance similar to RTX 2070.
The price range is $ 399 and will be available on July 9.

RTX 2070 Super
RTX 2070 Super Will be 24 percent faster than RTX 2070 at the same price, and also faster than GTX 1080 Ti.
The price range is $ 499 and will be available on July 9.

RTX 2080 Super
With an increase in memory speed of up to 15.5bps, the Super RTX 2080 is around 10 to 15 percent faster than the RTX 2080 at the same price and faster than Titan Xp.
The price range is $ 699 and will be available on July 23.

Starting July 9, every purchase of Nvidia's latest product, you will also get Game Control and Wolfenstein: Youngblood which of course has become a sales package. 2070 Super and 2080 Super are basically replacements for the 2070 and 2080 series, even though the actual performance problem isn't too much different.
Nvidia GeForce RTX Super Super Edition is here this month
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